Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Toddler Speed

Like Lani, I have been battling for patience with the kids. There are some days that you just have to give up and go toddler speed and sometimes they turn out to be the best days. When I was sick, I was going toddler speed because I just couldn't get things done any faster. Somehow it turned out that I got the same amount of things done each day.
The sweet thing about this age is that they love to help. Everything that they are able to do is very serious to them and they are so proud when the have accomplished whatever task they are working on. So lately I have been searching for more ways to let them help. Camlyn loves to help me with the laundry, I take it out of the washer and he puts it in the dryer for me. I have been letting Caeden set the table and clear it. Sometimes I have him help me put the dishes in the dishwasher. The other night Caeden helped Moises vacuum.

Today we found a new task that was fun. Putting the toilet paper away!

Please ignore the piles of clothing in the background, Flylady has not made it this far yet! Usually when I tell him thank you he gives me his stinking cute face, but not with the camera rolling!


Lani said...
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Lani said...

Ha... stinker. No cute face for you. Just a thumb in his mouth. :) Cute. I think I need to follow your lead here.