Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh Dear

For starters, Moises is gone. Yes, he checked out of here and is in Arizona, of all the places while we have snow. He will be back on Monday. Just four days right we can do this, is what I was thinking. I am alone with them for most of the day anyway, what is a few more hours?

This afternoon Caeden had about a 30 minute nap. He was wound for sound, crashing and crying, whining and yelling ect. Quite fun. I was really starting to doubt myself. Something happened after supper, he was quite a different kid. Hot dogs and watermelon must tame the inner beast I guess. While I was putting the dishes away he helped feed Camlyn the rest of his watermelon, brought the dish to the sink, pulled the step stool up to the bathroom sink for Camlyn, and instructed him in the fine art of washing your hands. Whew. I really could not believe it. Wish I knew how to bring that kid out of hiding more often! You think it really was the hot dogs and watermelon?


L'anglaise. said...

Uh oh! Mommy's home alone!!! Good luck!! :-) Sounds like your days are still full and interesting in your house! xx

Lani said...

Maybe he realized Daddy wasn't coming home and he needed to step in and help Mommy out. ;) Sorry the first half of the day was so challenging. Let me know if you need a break. Hugs.

Cheri said...

I thought like Lani...he realized he was the man of the house!

Jessica said...

It is kind of nice to see him get in the spirit of things. This morning he had a major meltdown because he wanted to help Camlyn put his coat on. Camlyn wanted no part of this deal though!