Friday, February 29, 2008

A Visit From The Snow Fairy

As you can tell from that date this has been awhile ago, but it did make me smile and I had to share it with others.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Sick Posts

Thank you for all my readers keeping loyal through my absence. Hopefully this will be the last of the sick posts for now!

Sometimes it seems that you get worse after you see the doctor. That's the way it was with me. I did not think the antibiotic was working at all. Then on Wednesday night something changed, snap. I was reading a book to the boys and I was not gasping for breath after each word. I took a deep breath and did not end up hacking. So it looks like things are perking up from there. Tonight I do not feel exhausted even after staying up most of the night with sick boys.

Caeden has an ear infection we discovered yesterday. Most of the time I do not think that you would wish for your kids to be sick. Well, I am almost glad he is. At least there is an explanation for the way he has been acting the past few days. After his nap this afternoon he seems to be doing better as well.
And as for my little guy that spent the whole morning curled up in the toy chest? He has his fancy pants back.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cough, Hack, Wheeze

This is what I am still doing. After I put the boys to bed yesterday, gasp it was quiet. I was able to hear the strange sounds coming from my chest and throat while I was breathing. I immediately made an appointment to see my lovely family practitioner.

No, I do not have the flu, thank goodness. "Although," he says, "I can see that you are coming down with something. Let's call it bronchitis." Yea, drugs. I am on antibiotics and a cough syrup with codeine. Not that I am an advocate of drugs for every little problem, but if I am miserable and there is something available that will help, bring it on!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Cough, sore throat, and aches all around. The four of us spent the afternoon all piled into the same couch. The boys spent part of the time peering out the window. The other half they spent taking care of Mommy. Lots of kisses and love take care of every problem right?

I did not have a fever, but was in danger of it when they piled all the blankets up... on my head. It's the thought that counts.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Shoes

Caeden has desperately needed new shoes lately. He was with me "in town" Friday night, so we stopped by the mall just to look. Guess what, we came away with two new pairs for him. J.C. Pennies is having a buy one get one for a dollar sale! It is only one select brands though, Caeden is in the boys section now and there was enough selection that I was able to find some that I liked for him.

Caeden had quite the little shopping trip with Mommy. He came away with a new shirt, two new pairs of shoes, and new new fabric to help me finish his blanket! All these things were needed, but now Camlyn is at the age where he is starting to notice that big brother got something new and he didn't.

How do you explain to a two year old? Especially when your older brother is flitting around in a new outfit and rocking new shoes? Every morning it is a battle at our house to get dressed. It involves a lot of running around and saying "I can't." To which I usually reply "of course you can't if you don't try." But Saturday he was up and dressed before you could blink an eye. Poor little Camlyn wandered around with a sad little look in his big brown eyes, Shoe, shoe. Shoe, shoe."

Guess what? Camlyn really did need new shoes too. Caeden grew so fast that he would skip whole sizes in clothes and shoes. Back I went on Saturday to get some for Camlyn too. I didn't really like the selection of the shoes on sale in the toddler section though. I ended up at Payless and found some there. They are having a good sale too, buy one get one half off. Just one pair this time. Camlyn grew out of his last pair so fast I can't justify two pairs for him.

Camlyn had to put his new shoes on too when I got home. Now we had two high stepping fiends running around the house sticking their feet in your face. Something else I am finding out, there are cuter shoes on-line. It is just not the same shopping on a computer.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Trash Ties

Attention all you long haired sistas! I found a new website that I think is interesting. Trash Ties I am always looking for new ways to do my hair. Not that any of you have noticed any lately, but still. There are some cute pictures on there, and some not so great, but hey we have all had bad hair days.

Some of these are on my wish list, right after getting a new modem and high speed Internet set up! Hey, Iowa Telecom has some new deals for those of us lucky enough to be on the calling list. Free modem for a year if you sign up now. So guess what, we signed up. That was just what we were waiting on!

Maybe the next time you see me I will be rocking a new hair do!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snow Days

As mentioned before we have been listening to the radio in the morning to determine if indeed Caeden does have school. I recently found out that I was wasting my time listening to the GOOD radio station that lists most of the closing and delays. No, our town is much to little to be listed there, I guess. I was informed that we should be listening to the local station.

This week realizing my mistake, I have switched stations. Now instead of switching on the radio at the same time everyday after the news, traffic, and weather reports and listening to the closings. I have to endure at least an hour of bad radio, before I decide that since it is 8 and they have not mentioned anything that I should take Caeden to school.

What is so bad about this station you might ask? This morning I enjoyed listening to The Denture Moment. I was not sure that I had heard this right, but Yes! I was informed that less people do have dentures these days because of better home care. Maybe that means we will have to listen to less Denture Moments in the future as well!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


It is amazing that my boys even know their real names, what with all the nicknames that they have. Below is a partial list that applies to one our both of them.

Petoquino, Louli, Baby Bear, Little Bugs, Noochi, Caeden Cakes, Caeden Roo, Little Guy, Guy, Tweetels

There is one recent adaptation of a couple of the different names that is giving me the creeps and needs to go.

Buggy Bear

Monday, February 18, 2008

Toddler CPR

So, I have been doing the Ultimate Fit Plan for about 2 months now. There is one exercise that always whoops my butt, the leg stretch. Sounds kind of nice right. I think they need to rename this little beast, stretch is not what comes to my mind when I do this.

I must look as bad as I feel when I am doing this one. Every time Camlyn comes up to me, pulls my shirt up and vigorously blows into my belly. Now and then he stops and rests his head on my stomach like he is listening for a pulse.

This is the origins of, "Mommy is not hurt, she is exercising."

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Just How Windy is it Today?

I am sitting here watching the curtains move in the wind. Sounds nice right? Not in the winter! Yes, the windows are closed and there is weather proofing stuff around them. Yikes.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

On a Happier Note

I am glad to hear the reports of all you giggling out there. Now you know how my mind works. Maybe this will explain why I was always getting in trouble at school for laughing and my little secret smiles. I am not laughing at anyone, my thoughts amuse me. It is all at how you look at things! Now I sound like a psycho.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Nothing Like Jumping on a Dead Camel

So how is the rest of the day going? You probably don't want to know but here goes....

Went to change Camlyn, bottom of the changing table fell through.
Went back downstairs to find Caeden and blocks all over the room. Guess what happened when I asked him to pick it up, Whaaaaaaaaaa.

Back upstairs to flylady a bit. Moved the changing table to clean under and the back came off.

Downstairs to the bathroom to escape the insanity. Open the cupboard and the door comes off completely.

The day is not over yet!

Ode to Flylady

I am in love with Flylady again. After breaking up with her for a year or so, we are back together and things are going great. I have dropped all the get dressed now nonsense and have just started the cleaning routines again. As of this week I will be a month in it again.

Before my house was clean on the surface, but don't you dare open those cupboards. Now, I have 3 rooms decluttered and a pretty good start on the others. The downstairs bath, the laundry room, and the living room. I don't think I have ever folded the laundry fresh out of the dryer, now I can. My kitchen is not declutter completely, but my millions and millions of spices are in order again!

Grr, spellchecker is still not working. Now if I could just find that dictionary. Hmm.... Who keeps house around here anyway?

Hoppin' Map

It is fun to see my map so lit up. Let me know who is out there. Do not be afraid to leave a comment. I make a fool of myself on other people's blogs all the time :)

The Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

I woke up in a funk this morning. Even though it is nice and sunny and as Caeden pointed out the birds were singing. It didn't help. No Alison and so no paycheck this week. Some how the kids know you aren't the best and so they decide it is a good time to lick the snow off the tires. So it went all morning until the last shoe dropped, jury duty next thursday. I had to join Lani in the rocking chair in puddles.

The day was not without some bright spots. We received Valentine's Day cards in the mail. Thank you all, you know who you are. Sorry they got eclipsed by something so little.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Franky the Brave Fireman

This morning it was glaringly obvious why Caeden and I have got been getting along too famously right now. We have opposite personalities. I believe that other people would tell you that maybe we are too much alike but we are different in one major area. Caeden is a morning person. I try to be, and in defense I am getting used to the idea of getting up early and even getting some work done then. In reality I need some time, at least a few seconds to wake up.

Case in point, this morning Caeden was up before 6:30 in the rocking chair. Remind me to explain about the rocking chair thing in another post. He had on fireman boots, that are too big, a fireman's hat that was too big and one of Grandpa Jim's old scanners. Poke a button, WHOOOOO WHOOOOOO WHOOOO. Poke another button, Wheeeoooooo Wheeeeoooo. At least he was keeping himself entertained.

Oh, and if anyone know anything about Franky the Brave Fireman holla at me!

Happy Valentine's Day From the Love Bugs

Snuck away while Caeden was at school to go and visit Grandma Jane. She is doing good and just got her stiches out yesterday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Me Too! Me Too!

I love food. I love to read about food. I love to prepare food. I love to eat food! So the only logical thing for me to do was to start my own food blog. If anyone is interested come on over to What's for Dinner. Oh, and if anyone has some snappier names I would love to hear them!

My Little Comic

Caeden summed up the last couple of days very nicely. "Hi, my name is Brrr. I am cold." Nice to see the sun again today. Only 36 days until Spring is officially here!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Couple of Cats

The nap wars have recommensed. This afternoon it was Camlyn up while the other two were peacefully slumbering. It was evident Camlyn was tired, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He brought his blankie to me. I took it to a patch of sunlight and laid down. Camlyn brought me all the pillows and blankets he could find. We had quite the love fest, snuggling there in the sun. Not much snoozin' was going on, but that is not always the point.

Maybe he had too much rest in his box this morning! Notice there are two cups in the box with him.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunglasses Man

I think I made a monster today. Camlyn found his sunglasses and wore them all morning. When he first put them on I made a big fuss over him, whistling and cat calling. Everytime I would walk into the same room as him thereafter he would look up at me with the cheesy face. "Hey here I am, admire me!" Ooops

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Caeden told me this morning, "Mommy, you are on my heart." Aww, sweet heart. I will take that as a good thing even if meant otherwise. Also overheard recently, "Mommy, will you play Landy-Cand with me? When he asks for "big salt" he would like some parmesan cheese.

Ugh, almost but not quite. I was recently heard saying, "Because I said so is starting to sound like a good reason."

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Revisement

Seems I best change my last post. The children were in fact tired but a long way from cranky. Speaking as their mother I would have to say they were wonderful. There were enough people and things to keep them occupied.

This morning mom had a mild siezure and was not able to return home today. I did think that was awful soon. I was in the hospital longer with the boys! The doctor did say that seizures were quite normal after this kind of surgery; I think because of the swelling. The real blow came when she was told that her license was to be suspended for 6 months. That's rough on an indepentdant lady!

She will be returning home tomarrow. She was feeling stronger and this afternoon went for a walk to the waiting room to address her adoring public. Aunt Linda and I got out for a bit of a shopping spree as well. We came back with a camera full of hat photos, which were narrowed down to a cream and a lovely orange one.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

An Update on Mom

The past few days have been spent in waiting rooms, with tired cranky boys. Mom had surgery later yesterday afternoon. Mom's brain tumor was benign, but needed to be removed. She is in intensive care now, but will be moved later today into a regular room. All the nurses say she is doing good. She must be, it was expected that she would be in intensive care for 24-36 hours and it hasn't been 24, yet.

They were not able to remove all of the tumor. It was attached to the main artery that runs through the brain. Most of it was removed and cauterized what was left. There is a 15 percent chance that it will grow back, but he said it would take several years. If all was taken out there would only be a 3 percent chance that it would grow back, but then there would be a greater chance of strokes.

She is sitting up in the chair now and doing good.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Finishing Projects

I am not so much on resolutions. I guess maybe I should be. Last night after starting work on Caeden's blanket again after a two year break, I decided that this would be the year that I would finish all those unfished projects.

1. Medical transcriptionist course - Finished as of last month! I am now officially a CMT.
2. Caeden's blanket - I put 12 more blocks in last night.
3. Reading the bible chronologically in a year - I guess I better start on this one ASAP! Last time I think I got bogged down somewhere in Job.
4. Getting the whole house decluttered the FlyLady way. - The living room is officially declared clutter free.
5. Ha, my kitchen border, bom apit - A cross between portuguese, english, and frustration

It will feel great to get them done, finally. I'm sure there are some more lurking around in the recesses of my mind.

Red Plaid Flannel Pajama Warriors

We had our first wrestling match/pillow fight (only they used blankets) last night. For some reason this is not a milestone that is listed in the baby books, so the only other logical place to put it?

Camlyn was that one that started it. He is going to be a fiesty little guy! Caeden was the one that was runnning his mouth and giggling. "I said not to do that Camlyn." "I told you one time, that's enough." Camlyn would pounce and Caeden would repeat the above, over and over and.... If that is what I sound like shoot me now!

In the middle of all this nonsense? Moises had his earphones on listening to a book on tape. He says it is to improve his English, I think I know the real reason now!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bats, Bats, We'll Drive You Bats

We had Anita and JoAnn for company over the weekend. Somehow Caeden got JoAnn cornered and was pestering her for stories. Tell me a story about bats. Tell me a story about bugs. Tell me a story about worms. All boy, no? Finally, tell me a story about a horse in the house. You know what, she had one of those too. I'm not sure what started the bat thing, but he got two bat stories out of both JoAnn and Anita.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Long Time No Write

Sorry to leave my readers hanging since, gasp.... Wenesday. I should tell the boys to get on the ball and start to doing all their crazyness. More likely it is me being too busy to pay attention like I should or appreciate the crazyness that is living with two little boys.

Camlyn's pouty lips came about because he wanted Caeden's backpack. Thursday we went on a little shopping trip sans big brother and picked him out his very own backpack. Poor little guy doesn't get much new. Most of his toys, clothes ect. are hand-me-downs. The upside of this, he really appreciates those things that are HIS.