Monday, February 4, 2008

Red Plaid Flannel Pajama Warriors

We had our first wrestling match/pillow fight (only they used blankets) last night. For some reason this is not a milestone that is listed in the baby books, so the only other logical place to put it?

Camlyn was that one that started it. He is going to be a fiesty little guy! Caeden was the one that was runnning his mouth and giggling. "I said not to do that Camlyn." "I told you one time, that's enough." Camlyn would pounce and Caeden would repeat the above, over and over and.... If that is what I sound like shoot me now!

In the middle of all this nonsense? Moises had his earphones on listening to a book on tape. He says it is to improve his English, I think I know the real reason now!

1 comment:

L'anglaise. said...

Haha, Moises obviously is a very smart man! :-)