Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Snow Days

As mentioned before we have been listening to the radio in the morning to determine if indeed Caeden does have school. I recently found out that I was wasting my time listening to the GOOD radio station that lists most of the closing and delays. No, our town is much to little to be listed there, I guess. I was informed that we should be listening to the local station.

This week realizing my mistake, I have switched stations. Now instead of switching on the radio at the same time everyday after the news, traffic, and weather reports and listening to the closings. I have to endure at least an hour of bad radio, before I decide that since it is 8 and they have not mentioned anything that I should take Caeden to school.

What is so bad about this station you might ask? This morning I enjoyed listening to The Denture Moment. I was not sure that I had heard this right, but Yes! I was informed that less people do have dentures these days because of better home care. Maybe that means we will have to listen to less Denture Moments in the future as well!

1 comment:

Lani said...

So... I'm curious what you learned from the Denture Moments radio spot? ;) That probably gives a clue to the age of their listening audience. Ha.