Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Sick Posts

Thank you for all my readers keeping loyal through my absence. Hopefully this will be the last of the sick posts for now!

Sometimes it seems that you get worse after you see the doctor. That's the way it was with me. I did not think the antibiotic was working at all. Then on Wednesday night something changed, snap. I was reading a book to the boys and I was not gasping for breath after each word. I took a deep breath and did not end up hacking. So it looks like things are perking up from there. Tonight I do not feel exhausted even after staying up most of the night with sick boys.

Caeden has an ear infection we discovered yesterday. Most of the time I do not think that you would wish for your kids to be sick. Well, I am almost glad he is. At least there is an explanation for the way he has been acting the past few days. After his nap this afternoon he seems to be doing better as well.
And as for my little guy that spent the whole morning curled up in the toy chest? He has his fancy pants back.


Just Joey said...

Hanging out in the toy chest, that sounds great to me! Come to think of it, my tiny apartment is almost like MY toy chest! Glad you are on the mend!

Lani said...

Hope you're better today, you guys. No fun to be under the weather. Craig's still sick. Someone said this stuff lasts a week - this will be day 4, so he still has 3 to go. I think he's tired of it already.

Jessica said...

It was about a week for me, maybe a little longer that I was feeling crumby but kept going. Hang in there, I think Spring is coming!