Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Green Eggs and Ham

Anyone up for some green eggs and ham? Was a lot tastier than it looks in the picture!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crackin' Himself Up

Guess I need to carry a spotlight around with me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mess, Glorious Mess

This is a picture of a wonderful morning. Nowhere to go and nothing scheduled. The boys had a wonderful time playing together without much prompting from me. By the way the mess could have been a lot worse! The box of cars peeking out from behind the chair, was from a parade they had. Before moving on, they put them away! The box of Lego's was from the tower they made that was taller than any of them. Pretty good teamwork I would say! The tools were from fixing the house, aka the couch. The medical equipment was from the ER they had set up behind the couch. Those little strings in the mix? Well, they were surfboards, racetracks, lassos, and leashes.

Moving on to the mess in the next room. The pile of books are from the Pizza Hut, bakery and factory that all happened at this little table...

Caeden is reading from the recipe book, "Bunny Cakes" by Rosemary Wells. Notice the irate Pizza Hut worker, who stomped out professing he was never going back there again. Why? Well it seemed that too many customers were ordering "strange food." Bug milk was the special of the day I guess.

The motivation to get it all cleaned up at the end of the morning? The sun shining brightly and the temperature creeping up!