Friday, February 15, 2008

Nothing Like Jumping on a Dead Camel

So how is the rest of the day going? You probably don't want to know but here goes....

Went to change Camlyn, bottom of the changing table fell through.
Went back downstairs to find Caeden and blocks all over the room. Guess what happened when I asked him to pick it up, Whaaaaaaaaaa.

Back upstairs to flylady a bit. Moved the changing table to clean under and the back came off.

Downstairs to the bathroom to escape the insanity. Open the cupboard and the door comes off completely.

The day is not over yet!


Lani said...

Jess, I'm sorry. :( What's up these days? When it rains, it pours. Ugh. I hope tomorrow is better.

Ivy said...

And it wasn`t even Friday the 13th. was it!

Hope today was better.

Jessica said...

Thanks for all the love girls. Sometimes it is good to have a good cry. Just an accumulation of all the stress of the winter. Time to let it out and welcome spring. A different kind of spring cleaning eh?