Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Boy's Play

I have a confession to make, I hate to play with the boys. I will gladly read to them, do artsy things with them, cook with them. Please do not make me play with them. I think they sense this, it is always Daddy they recruit when they want someone to "play" with them. Obviously someone around here enjoys it more than I do.
Zoo! Did you notice the tractor in the "garage"?

The worst of all is playing cars. Have you ever noticed that you get the worst car in the whole box. The ones that the wheels do not turn or the one recently squashed by an avid rocker. Even if you do manage to sneak a good one out of the bunch, it never fails that they will notice. "Oh, I was looking for that one!"
I think that I have it down to a science. You are fine as long as the car keeps moving. It can just be going in circles but it doesn't matter. But for heaven's sake, DO NOT STOP! "Play Mommy!"

1 comment:

Lani said...

I had to laugh about the cars - it's amazing how they hoard all the good stuff to themselves and everyone else gets the leftovers. I'm not much good at "playing" with my boys, either. But I'll read them books any old day. ;)