Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Revisement

Seems I best change my last post. The children were in fact tired but a long way from cranky. Speaking as their mother I would have to say they were wonderful. There were enough people and things to keep them occupied.

This morning mom had a mild siezure and was not able to return home today. I did think that was awful soon. I was in the hospital longer with the boys! The doctor did say that seizures were quite normal after this kind of surgery; I think because of the swelling. The real blow came when she was told that her license was to be suspended for 6 months. That's rough on an indepentdant lady!

She will be returning home tomarrow. She was feeling stronger and this afternoon went for a walk to the waiting room to address her adoring public. Aunt Linda and I got out for a bit of a shopping spree as well. We came back with a camera full of hat photos, which were narrowed down to a cream and a lovely orange one.


Lani said...

Hope things keep on track for recovery. How nice of you to find the perfect hat for your dearest Mommy! ;) Sure hope I get to see her in it.

L'anglaise. said...

Thanks for the update, thinking of you all! Hugs xxx