Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I hope I have never claimed that things are normal around here, because they certainly are not! We could not just have a horsey ride, we have to have a rodeo. Just be careful how you bend over when you are at our house, you might just end up with a cowboy on your back!


Cheri said...

haha! Who's having more fun, the animal or the cowboy?

Anonymous said...

I love it! They are having so much fun!! That little one he wasn't paying much attention to the rodeo -- looked like he might have been delivering mail -- mailbox and all! Ha! Thanks! Aunt Linda

Lani said...

That's amazing... I mean that the horse could jump around on his knees like that. Ha. I totally was laughing out loud when I watched this. Adorable. Maybe I'll send a couple more cowboys your way.