Monday, January 21, 2008

That Kind of Day

So, I have been searching for something positive to write today. I do not want to turn this into a place for me just to vent. It has been good for me so far to find the happy little parts of each day. Today it is not working, I'm still searching even after the kids have gone to bed. So maybe I need to make a list of things to be thankful for.

1. I am thankful for rocking chairs to cuddle in.
2. I am thankful for good books that calm kids down, Goodnight Moon, The Big Red Barn.
3. I am thankful that God made women able to multi-task.
4. I am thankful for pizza delivery men that are willing to walk through the snow.
5. I am thankful for little boys that enjoy putting toys away as long as you help.
6. I am thankful for boys that want to help.
7. I am thankful for quiet times even if it is only 15 min.
8. I am thankful for boys that like to give hugs.
9. I am thankful for daddies that understand.


Lani said...

We like The Big Red Barn, too.

Sorry you had a "trying" day today. Hope tomorrow is better. Hugs.

Jessica said...

I should add one more to the list. I am thankful for other mommies who understand.