Monday, May 12, 2008


It is looking a little sparse around here since Friday. Yes, it was a busy weekend and here I am pouting that I forgot the camera the entire time. I didn't get any of the wonderful pictures to showcase our time spent with family.

Some big news happened this weekend, we are getting a kitty! So maybe I won't have to say this anymore. "Stop acting like a kitty and talk to me." The kitty is only a week old so won't be around for awhile. Caeden did name the kitty on the way home. The full name is Llama Mama, but has been shortened to Llama.


Lani said...
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Lani said...

Oh... so fun. Can't wait to meet Llama Mama. What a fantastic name. ;)

And about that camera thing... remember that chapter in the book you gave me that talks something along the lines of... if a birthday happened and there isn't a picture, did it really happen? So its not all bad you didn't have a camera. The camera has been known to take the enjoyment out of things. ;)