Sunday, May 4, 2008

Tulip Time

Great Grandpa and Grandma live right in the midst of all the tulip madness. So each year we make the trek down for the 1.5 hour parade. Some of the highlights of the day...
That head tilt.

What's coming Caeden? Here are some of the boy's favorite floats.

Some of the best sights were not even part of the parade!
My favorite part? There are two floats the future queen float and the future burgermeister (mayor?) float. The part I enjoyed? The little girls sat so quiet just waving at the crowd. The boys? They were using their hats for guns, bouncing in their seats, waving their arms and talking 100 MPH. All the general noise, confusion, and wonderful bedlam that comes naturally with little boys.


Lani said...

Cute. Was it cold yesterday?

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica! That is as close as I've gotten to Tulip Time for a long time! ; ) Would be fun again!