Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Brotherly Love

This afternoon we had quite the water works going on around here. Caeden threw a fit because he thought he wasn't going to get something that he thought he needed. He ended up not getting it because he threw the fit. When Caeden cries, the whole town knows about it. Poor little Camlyn in the middle of it all, did not understand what was wrong with Caeden but wanted to help. Camlyn tried to help, he tried to give Caeden a hug but was pushed away. He tried to pat his hair but was squealed at. Camlyn was not deterred. What is the one thing that helps Camlyn when he is sad? The Beashies. Camlyn climbed up the stairs, climbed on Caeden's bed and brought down Caeden's special pillow, which has lost all of it's stuffing and is now more of a blanket than a pillow. This melted Mommies heart and she started to cry. With all the silliness that comes with little boys, they really are sweet and special.

1 comment:

Lani said...

Sweet. The mama crying part, included. Hugs.