Friday, December 12, 2008

Guitars and Glasses

Awhile back we got a report from Caeden's teacher that he was not learning the alphabet as well as they would like. It wasn't long until we heard back that he really did know what he should and was just being a stinker before, my words not theirs. Anyway this got me started on a little project that I have always wanted to do with the boys, make them their own alphabet book. So we started doing the letter a week thing again.

This week is being brought to us by the letter g. The activities for today were as follows.

Table Golf, Caeden and Kekoa got a kick out of this. Caeden ended up playing for most of the morning.

Guitars and Glasses

1 comment:

Lani said...

You do such a good job with the kids, Jessica. And thanks for posting these so I can see them in "action". I think this is also I've seen a picture of the infamous Alison. ;)