Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Toothbrush

Caeden needed new toothbrush. I ended up coming up with two Thomas the Train ones that play music for two minutes. Great idea right? The music gets them to brush for as long as they need to and also distracts them while they are brushing. I think distracts is the key word. Camlyn did everything but brush.

Sorry, it is sideways again! It really was the best one though. I realized what I was doing but by that time they realized what I was doing as well.


Lani said...

Funny. Has the brushing improved? ;)

Jessica said...

Instead of me dragging the boys in to the bathroom I just turn it on and they come running. Caeden does wonderful by himself now and Camlyn no longer fusses when it is time for me to "help." I do think things have improved.