Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Midnight Raids

I'm sure you have all heard of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. Well, lately around here we have been having the Midnight Raids of Camlyn d S. In the pitch dark we will hear, thump, thump. There is Camlyn putting piles of books on top of a sleeping Caeden. Clank, clank, there is Camlyn getting in Caeden's desk to suck on the markers. Whir, whir, there is Camlyn turning Caeden's fan on. This is all pretty good for a boy that is afraid of the dark! Finally Moises got up last night and returned him to bed and turned the fan on. No more midnight raids. All of that just to get us to turn the fan on! Could of saved a lot of hassle if he would have just asked, "Fan, on, please."

1 comment:

Lani said...

The whole communication break down thing can be tiresome, huh? In this case, literally. But I'm with Camlyn. I like to sleep with a fan on, too. ;)