Monday, June 30, 2008


So this past weekend we had a G family reunion, camping. When we got there the camp ground was full except for that big spot in the middle, for all of us. In typical G fashion, we all arrived fashionably late and ended up setting up in the dark. Lots of fun was had by all. Here are a few highlights. Since we forgot to charge the camera before we left I took some pictures on dad's camera and they will be coming later.
Here is our little spot for the weekend. Our sweet little hidey hole in the background is a G family heirloom. Lots of memories were made in that little camper. Hopefully we can make a few more. It looked so little in the middle of all the huge new campers but it is just right for us. We have had quite a few people stop at the house and offer to buy it. Maybe we should make a sign, "NOT for sale."
The boys by the lake. Caeden doing better with pictures, unless it is a group shot!
Philip and Autumn with the newest addition, Finnegan the wonder dog. The calmest sweetest puppy you ever will see. Stole the show and the hearts of everyone!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This was my project for the day. Where did all the cherries end up? Some went to the garbage. As you can see I had some helpers with the picking and they are not all ripe.

Some went to the baby birds.

5 of these little jars are filled with cherry jam. Some cherries are in the dehydrator. Some cherry sauce is in the freezer waiting for angel food cake or some ice cream.

Another crop will be ready in a few days. We'll see how we can get rid of them.

Don't Know

Yes, it is summer. No, the air conditioner is not going wild. It is not even turned on yet. Sometimes I figure it is better not to ask what is happening. Usually I just end up more confused. He said something about rocket ships and not having your hat on when the ship is going.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I have been spending most of my days lately in utter confusion. The other morning I was woken up by Caeden crashing into the room, of course this was around 6 a.m. or so. "Mommy, Daddy took my nap away. He took my nap away." Then he went crashing back through the door. Why would his father take his nap away, he appreciates the quiet time as much as I do? This is a mystery that would best be solved after some coffee.

Since I was so gently awakened, no breakfast in bed around here, I stumbled blearily downstairs. Thump, thump, thump. Yup, there is Caeden rocking in the chair, on his head. Huh? Check again, yep on his head alright. Keep stumbling toward the kitchen.

After some coffee, I attempt to figure out why Caeden got his nap taken away. Turns out it was his map and not his nap, "whew." Caeden has a little children's atlas that has a puppy, excuse me, wolf on the front of it. Moises found him downstairs, oh probably sometime around 5-5:30 crying because there was a wolf on the front of his "nap." Sounds like someone needs a nap to me. I never tried to figure out why Caeden was rocking on his head. I haven't seen him do it since so maybe I was still sleeping.

Monday, June 23, 2008


This post is dedicated to my dear brother. Only someone that has been subjected to Caeden's verbal storms can really appreciate the terror in what I am about to say. Camlyn has started to ask why! Only two times today but I know from experience that he is just getting warmed up. Hopefully Caeden will be done with this stage by the time that Camlyn gets into full swing. There are days that I beg Caeden not to ask any more questions. Just think, his teachers suggested for one of Caeden's goals that we get him to ask more questions! Imagine!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Welcome Llama Momma

The little house that Moises and the boys made for the kitty.
Yes, the kitty did get to ride home on Caeden's lap. Part of the way at least. The ride would have gone great I believe if we would not have stopped to pick up a litter box. Kitty is trained already! Then well, CATastrophe! Sorry, I could not resist.
While Momma was in the store getting the litter box Miss Momma puked under the seat. The ride home? Well let's just say that it was a good thing that I stopped and got the litter box although it would have been better were there some litter in it!
Llama Momma didn't have a very good welcome home reception, she was promptly placed in a bucket of warm water. To her credit though, I think she quite enjoyed it. This first day does not bode well for the little kitties future. She has already been banned from the camping trip coming up this weekend. Although it was fun to watch her prancing across the yard in hot pursuit of Camlyn, or his ball. Camlyn also got a kick out of playing peek-a-boo with kitty hiding in the lilies.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

What could be better than a special dinner outside and a big Dairy Queen Blizzard afterwards? Let me tell you, we go all out for the adult birthdays around here! Caeden used to ask us when will your birthday start? Meaning all the people and balloons and presents and cake. He has learned that it is only the special people in the family that get all that.

Mmm good right down to the last bite! That elusive last bite. Daddy says it yucky when it falls on the ground, but you know what Camlyn says, "mmmm." A few pieces of grass, dirt, or even gravel only enhance the flavor right?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Whistle for Willie

We have really been enjoying some books lately by Ezra Jack Keats. The stories are simple and well written and about things that little boys are worried about. It is the middle of Summer, but we are still reading The Snowy Day. The other one that we have been reading a lot lately is Whistle for Willie. Willie is the little boy's dog. He thinks it would be great to whistle to call his dog. He trys so hard to whistle his cheeks hurt, but he doesn't give up.
We have a little boy around here who has been trying and trying to whistle as well. He thinks he has succeded, you be the judge. Just remember that if you hear this sound, it is a whistle! Luckily for me he told me. I thought the noise was in conjunction with the cars that he was playing with.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Something special came to the bigger town near us.

Alison is with us late this week, so she got to go too.

If you can see them, it was complete with the outfits.
We lucked into getting there at the right time to watch the "air parade."

Just how windy does it get when 9, maybe more, airplanes start their engines? I almost fell over when they started, took me by surprise really.
Lining up.
Taking off.

Flying by the sunburnt head.



So, we got our first call from Brazil via Skype. Hasn't worked too well yet. They could see us great and we could hear them most of the time. They could not hear us and we could not see them. Maybe a different day and a different time, you know there were only some 9 million other people on at the same time. Still that is pretty good for a free service. They were so happy to see the little guys.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

This Evening's Entertainment

The little guy in red sat on the street corner all afternoon strumming his guitar. I dropped a few coins in for him. He came back this evening with reinforcement. So I couldn't resist. Enjoy the snippet. I can still hear them outside my window.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Kitty!

The Kitty is back. She is looking for a little hidee hole to have her babies. Not sure that we want that many kitties, but the boys are more than excited. When she walked across the street this afternoon to check out the neighbors house, which is free of meddling little boys, Camlyn was heartbroken! Luckily she returned later in the day and he now understands that is the way of kitties to come and go. "Come Kitty."
How do we know it is the same kitty? What other pregnant kitty would put up with two little boys dragging it around and offering it tasty tidbits, such as grass, dandelions, rock, rotten strawberries, and cookie crumbs scavenged from your pants. Seriously who would turn those down? If we are lucky she is smart enough to know that those two little affectionate boys would never leave the babies alone. Go home kitty and bring the little ones back when they are old enough to play soccer.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Has it really been this long since I have posted? I'm back and I'm done. This is what I have been doing.

planning shopping googling mixing baking cooling cutting whipping rolling covering painting hoping wrapping transporting stacking and breathing a sigh of relief

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Parking Lot Picnic

Let me tell you, you have not have fun until you have spent three hours in a parking lot with a toddler. Really it wasn't that bad, I don't think I have laughed as much as I did on Saturday in quite awhile.

Let's start over. Saturday Camlyn and I were playing chauffeur to Grandma Jane. We were on our way to pick up Uncle Justin's dog Bo. We decided to make a "quick" detour to run some errands. Some of the errands never got completed. Our t rod, t axle, t bone, or something broke. What ever it is, what ever it does, the car WILL NOT MOVE while broken. So there we were with our nose sticking an inch out into the intersection of a busy parking lot.

Oh the looks and comments we received. The car was not on, no one was in the driver's seat and four people tried to wave us out. One lady peeked in the car at us, said hi and walked on to her car that was parked close behind us. We had already checked it out and she had room to back up and go the other way, or go around on the other side. So what does she do? Pulls up behind us and honks the horn.

Sitting there for three hours only two people stopped to ask if we needed help. One of them was the lady that honked at us, just a little embarrassed maybe. The other was a sweet lady that had seen us when she went into the store and when she came out of the store. She had gone home and started cooking dinner but was worried so she came back to check on us.

Nobbies was right around the corner so we picked up the parking lot survival kit, some bubbles, sidewalk chalk, pinwheels, and a kite. While the guys fixed our ride, we put on a show in the parking lot. Can you imagine if we would have already picked up Bo?