Monday, April 20, 2009

Kindergarden Roundup

This week our big boy is marching off to Kindergarten for a couple of days. The bus comes to pick him up and brings him back, so mommy gets a few days off.

This nice lady showed Caeden the ropes of riding the bus. "Mommy, you don't stand up on the bus. One boy kept standing up and the lady had to tell him over and over to sit down or he would go flying in the air!" Kekoa, "Did anyone go flying in the air?"

The home crew checking it all out. Learning how it is done for when their turn comes. He was really only gone for a little over two hours, normally he is in school for 3.5. Camlyn told me this morning, "I miss Caeden."

1 comment:

Lani said...

Your kindergarten round up was a little more intensive than ours. ;) Kekoa's question made me laugh out loud. And heaven knows I needed to laugh out loud this morning. It's not been going well. Camlyn looks not too sure about big brother heading off. Judy stayed with Gavyn last night and when we came home he was quite certain it was now his turn to go to school. Ha.