Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

So today we finally got the pumpkins carved, and lit.

The fireman is not complete without his Dalmatian right?

And off we went.

Came back for some spider meatloaf.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Must be the House!

Seems there is a new soccer player in our family now. By the time I got the video Xou Xo was a bit worn out. He and Caeden had great fun running all over the yard all afternoon. Only thing is that Caeden is a bit too competitive, he plays against the dog like he is trying to get the ball past a professional.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

By request...

an update. Last Friday night I started working at Eddie Bauer. Nothing too exciting to tell, I have gone once for training and go again tonight. The first night was the typical safety videos, yada yada. As for Alison I will still have her until sometime in December, giving time for my replacement to find replacements for those she is currently watching. Now Anonymous, you have me curious....

Sunday, October 26, 2008

While Mommy's Away...

the boys will play. This is what I came home to after my first night at work. I am certain that no one missed me!

The newest member of our family is Xou Xo, I think that is how it is spelled. Pronounced Shoe Shoe. He is a Yorkshire Terrier.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pictures, Finally

A family walked into a portrait studio to take a 5 year old pictures. The 5 year old said, "No way." So we took the soon to be 3 year old picture instead. Seeing this the 5 year old cried and said, "Me too." So the 5 year old got his picture taken too. The family got both sets for the $9.95 special. So who was the joke on? Caeden, us, our the portrait studio.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Action Shots

Moises was working with Caeden, on soccer skills. I was working on my timing with the camera.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Caeden's Eye View

Another of Caeden's birthday presents was his own little "child proof camera." These are just some of the 170 or so pictures already on it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Importance of an RSVP

We were all set for Caeden's second birthday party, the just for fun one.

After 40 minutes of "Mommy when are my friends going to be here?" As tears were threatening to fall and darkness was falling fast, we went into the backyard for a party for two. And let me tell you this was some serious business.

Well, for the biggest one it was.

Laying the shingles.

Taking care of the window box.

Construction Cone Pinata.

Excavator Cake!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today was a day that I have been dreading for a long time,. The ultimate test of how grown up Caeden has become, his five year check-up. Last years was terrible, that might be an understatement. The only thing that they got done was his shots and that is because it took two of us to hold him down while the other one stuck him.
Phew, I can breathe a sigh of relief now. He had one shot and he did not even wriggle, squirm or cry! He passed every thing with flying colors! Weight, no problem. Height, no problem. Vision test, no problem. Hearing test, no problem. Shots, a piece of cake!

With the dreaded over we could move on to better things. Another of Caeden's birthday presents was a wallet and some money to use as he would like. Another surprise was in for me today when Caeden informed me that he was going to spend part of his money for a toy for Camlyn. Hence, the firetruck and mowing business truck.