Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Snapin' & Whistlin'

Instead of snapping Brazilians have this thing that they do. Which I believe you have to be at least half Brazilian to do.

Caeden can already do it better than I can. Camlyn well he's got the snap down, just not Brazilian style. The only problem? Camlyn thinks meeting time is time to practice his snap.

The whistling part? Remember this? Well, now it sounds like there is a little bird that follows me around. The whistle comes after-every-sentence.

Monday, March 23, 2009

What's Cookin?

While I was away the other night, Daddy was left in charge of the supper. Looks like he found some wonderful sous chefs!
This one appears to have just gotten back from the market. Think he got a little bit of CHEESE?

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Nothing is better than kissing little, plump cheeks that have been warmed by the sun. Tickling your nose in hair that has been perfumed by the great outdoors. Spying naked little toes that somehow keep escaping their shoes. Spring is here! Well, at least in the garage. Today we got all the toys cleaned out and cleaned up and air put in the balls. We are ready! Now we just have to wait on the weather, again. Doesn't look to promising this week.

Friday, March 20, 2009

A special good morning...

For those with a less than exciting house in the morning. We have a special wake-up call from the early birds!"Good Morning, " from GI Joe
"Good Morning," from the lion tamer.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Silly Ball

Camlyn's entertainment the other day was listening to the "silly ball." He did this for close to an hour. Sorry for the sore necks, I always forget there is no way to turn the videos.

He would periodically come to tell me that the ball was silly. I was wondering why his nose was so red.

Mystery explained, bonk.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Late St. Patrick's Day

Since we couldn't get around to visiting our big Leprechauns yesterday. I thought I would spread some green cheer this way. What is the matter with the little guy? His hat was "pokey."