Monday, March 24, 2008

Mysteries of Motherhood

  1. Why are one-month-old snow soggy Cheerios on the floor of the car better than fresh?
  2. Why do we wonder when kids get sick?
  3. Why do kids think they are hidden if standing behind sheer curtains?
  4. Why would kids rather stand up, run around, carry it around, rather than eat the food?
  5. Why if they are not eating it do they cry when you try to take it away?
  6. Why do kids pull on you and cry when you are trying to accomplish something, but the minute you give up and sit down to play with them they run away?
  7. Why is it that they only time kids play nicely is bed time?


Lani said...

You too, huh? When you solve the mystery, would you let me in on the answers. ;)

Anonymous said...

Arghhh to #5. We play this too much! I usually offer Azlins food she doesnt want to Mekhi and she usually freaks!!! He knows its a joke so he plays along well.....